Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The power to heal

Back in 1986 a gentle unassuming Surgeon put his ideas, observations, and beliefs to paper resulting in the consummately popular " Love, Medicine, and Miracles" In this amazing work, Dr. Bernie Siegel, or Dr Bernie, as he prefers to be called, recounts his experiences with extraordinary patients and their quest for wellness. What he found was that a belief in healing and the mind's ability to focus on that love--most importantly self love is key to survival. Unconditional love is the most powerful force in the universe and herein a man of science expresses his humility and awe in the face of such love. I highly recommend this book to those seeking healing, those facing crises and those on the healing path. It is a gem worthy of a second look and can heal that which haunts your spirit in the time of illness. It is an empowering work that helps people find strength to reclaim their health and healing power.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Leading the Horse

The old adage goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. That being said--I can give all the tools for wellness and positivity, but I can't make you act on them. The best hypnotist in the world cannot make someone do what they do not want to do. All of those characters in stage shows clucking like chickens and pretending to be washing machines and robots --perform because at some level they want to entertain the audience. They have not relinquished control to the hypnotist--they are still in control. When our cravings and bad habits are raging--it is because at some level they serve a purpose in our lives. Cigarettes calm the smoker, food serves to satiate those hungry for love and acceptance. That which we have adopted -is there for a reason--but those reasons can and often do change. When we no longer need to perpetuate a behavior or habit, we are free to discard it. Often willingness is not enough to overcome entrenched habits and we need help uncovering our motivations and eliminating the internal message continuing the behavior. If you do not acknowledge your own power, you are powerless to overcome your own undoing. It is common that people contact me to "fix them" to "make them change" To take control and solve the problem. The first step to change is deciding it is possible--it is taking a step in a brand new direction in uncharted territory. It is a bold step to seek change, but one that is richly rewarded when true change occurs. Life can change in an instant but nothing changes inside you, without permission. You must accept the call and honor the work to come. It will not always be easy, but it can be as easy as saying YES!

Be well...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hypnosis and Beauty

Can hypnosis make you more beautiful? Absolutely, on the inside and out. Quite simply hypnosis teaches you how to relax and manifest the dreams you hold within. If you relax your facial muscles--tiny lines and wrinkles soften. If you have a twinkle in your eye because you are happier and more hopeful--people will be more attracted to you. Hypnosis does not offer the kinds of results that plastic surgery will, but I have heard of people erasing years off their faces, losing weight, growing longer nails, standing taller, increasing their bustline, increasing manhood , as well as enhancing hair and skin. All of this and more is possible with hypnosis. At Soul Centered Health I teach you how to access and accentuate your inner and outer beauty. You also learn various self hypnosis techniques to enable you to continue to focus and fine tune a beauty regimen just for you. If you need a new you--consider the healing and beautifying properties of hypnosis!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Resolution Theory

It is now midway through January and how are your resolutions holding up? If you are still finding success and inspiration--congratulations! If not, Hypnosis may hold the keys to your success. Hypnosis is a mind body healing technique passed down from antiquity. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness in which a client is receptive to suggestions given to their receptive subconscious mind. Translated--while in a hypnotic state--you are given powerful messages which enable you to make changes. Why hypnosis? Because it works. It is effective, pain-free and readily accessible. Hypnosis is useful in creating change because in order to work--you have to want to change. There is no hocus pocus or mind control involved. You get out of your own way to allow yourself to take direction in order to change. The hypnotist cannot make you do anything against your own will. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis, you will not divulge your deepest secrets. It cannot harm you. Hypnosis can be effective from the first session, but usually require 3 or more sessions and that is because you are being taught self hypnosis in order to remain self sufficient. You are always in control and you directly impact the outcome. In my experience you can experience an immediate reduction in stress, an increase in focus and a sense of optimism and hope that very few other modalities if any can achieve.

Resolve today to be more in control of your present and your future. Become self aware and change your path.