Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reiki Healing for Pets

Just as humans can enjoy the benefits of the healing energy of Reiki--so do our animal companions. Reiki works on the energy whether it is plant, animal or person--the building blocks of life are essentially the same. Nervous dogs, temperamental cats and even moody birds seem to benefit from treatment. Reiki is especially helpful when the pet is injured or recovering from illness or surgery. Reiki seems to speed their recovery and they seem to enjoy being pampered. I find Reiki to be truly helpful when working with animals as they cannot tell us where they hurt or what is disturbing them. Just as with humans the animal consents to the treatment and I have seen them motion for me to stop or get up and walk away when done. I have seen animals who have had trouble running--chase other animals for the first time in years. I have seen very ill animals respond almost overnight and I have had others seek me out of a crowded dog park or while out on walks with their owners. The owners typically are shocked and tell me that the animal never acts this way or usually does not bother strangers. I smile and I ask if I can meet their pet. I sometimes explain what I do--other times I just offer the energy to the animal. If it helps, its all in a day's work.

If you are interested in Reiki for your animal companion contact me at soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com or get more information at www.soulcenteredhealth.com.

I do make house calls and will visit your pet at the vet/animal hospital if requested.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Call to action

As the Autumnal Equinox heralds the start of fall, how much have you been able to accomplish this year? Some of us may have wanted to quit a bad habit, or learn a new skill. Others desperately wanted a way to manage their physical or emotional pain. There are those of us who wanted to start a new relationship, determined not to spend the holidays alone. And yet here we are 99 days till the first decade in the new millennium rings to a close. It is time to seize the day. I read long ago that the true definition of insanity is doing what you have always done and yet expecting a different outcome. It takes a strong person to ask for help when lost along their way. But perhaps there are those among us who wouldn't mind an extra detour along their life's journey. Personally, I am all about making changes when something is not working for me. I was not always that way, but I have learned the power in making an affirmative choice. I have learned to channel my decisions into powerful tools to help me creatively and professionally. I pride myself by enriching my brain and exposing myself to new people and opportunities as they arise, knowing that the knowledge I gain in the experience will trump anything I have learned in a book. Indecision leads to inaction and inaction to stagnation. Are there areas in your life which have stalled? Are you still plugging along hoping, and asking for change, but taking none of the steps to empower your goals? There is time, and change can happen in an instant. If you would like to explore positive steps you can take to embrace change, watch for my free teleseminar coming in October. I will list the details here and on my website.


Here is a real chance to make the needed changes in your life...all you need do is make the choice to join in. you can also register by email :


I look forward to a strong finish to the year and to an old way of thinking.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is thinking believing?

There is a marked difference between thinking you have a solution to a problem and believing there is no problem. Likewise you can be reasonably confident that you have solved a problem, but there may still be hints of doubt remaining. The little doubts that plague us, give rise to insecurity, loss of self esteem and can even end up crippling our best efforts. When people practice using affirmations, there can sometimes be a part of their psyche that just doesn't buy into the new mindset. This internal disagreement can sabotage the whole effort because the pronounced victory over circumstances just doesnt ring true. You can fake it till you make it, but you have to be absolutely assured of your victory. One of the great things about Hypnosis is that by design, the process circumvents the little voices and is able to redirect thoughts and actions. Hypnosis doesn't need you to think about whether or not you can solve the problem, just that a solution is possible. You are opened to the realm of possibility and can therefore come up with any number of unique ways to change your circumstances. Thinking is a component of belief, but belief implies that there is an air of certaintude about our abilities and opportunities. We are not limited in what we think, but we have absolute limits on what we believe. What do you "know" to be true in your own life? What led you to that certainty? Why do you have doubts about your abilities to have a fulfilling relationship, career, or being able to quit smoking? Before you can change your beliefs, you must uncover what you already know. Chances are there are some false truths waiting to be uncovered, freeing you to live the life you truly believe you are meant to live. At Soul Centered Health I encourage clients by asking the hard questions and allowing them the space and freedom to hear the answers. Only then can you unravel the knots tangling your thoughts and enable your progress.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Reiki and Cancer related fatigue

A recent study found that Cancer patients undergoing Reiki treatment as part of their integrated therapy had significant improvement in their levels of fatigue and improved quality of life. To get more information click title above,

Prostate Cancer Patients benefit from Reiki

In a recently published article--Men undergoing External Beam Radiotherapy were said to have reduced anxiety and better overall emotional wellbeing after adding Reiki to their therapy as opposed to those men who did not. Emotional wellbeing is critical in the bodies healing response and stress is a known contributing factor in the development of disease. Click the title to read more information or click here for entire article http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20803609