The sacral chakra is the seat of creativity. The body is composed of seven major energy centers known as the chakras and each governs certain types of energy and manifestations of that energy. If you are feeling a creative block or find yourself stuck--the sacral chakra could be the source of the blockage. The energy flows from the crown chakra down through the seven chakras, namely the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. According to Vedic traditions, the energy centers control the ebb and flow of the very life force known as Chi, Ki, or Prana. Typically illness in that area of a blockage is an indication of what is broken or blocked. Illnesses that can take hold related to the sacral chakra are bladder problems, reproductive or sexual problems, colon/intestinal problems as well as infertility etc. The ability to bring forth life is a true manifestation of the creative process and one tends to find parallels between different aspects of life related to the same issue. For example a man who is feeling stuck in his career who is lacking a creative outlet, may also experience prostate problems, incontinence, and sexual performance issues. The emotional aspects impact the career and feelings of satisfaction with ones contributions, while the physical hints show that the blockage has progressed to the physical realm.
Reiki, QiGong, and other forms of Energy Medicine, work to balance the chakras and reestablish energy flow. Acupressure, Acupuncture, EFT and other techniques can also be beneficial in correcting the problem. As I am a Reiki Master, it is the technique with which I am most familiar and as a Master Practitioner, it is easy for me to determine where I feel an imbalance and what to do to reestablish energy flow. Sometimes the client can actually feel heat or tingling when I am conducting a treatment. I have sometimes felt real heat from other practitioners and other times nothing at all. It does not mean that the treatment was not successful. Reiki goes where the need is greatest. So if the true source of the imbalance is a childhood emotional trauma--Reiki energy will work on an emotional and spiritual level to re balance the affected individual. Physical perfection and wellness is not possible in the midst of turmoil and "dis" "ease". Creativity is often the first area where true imbalance becomes evident. If you find that your creative energies are compromised--this may lead you to seek out correction and thereby redirect your life course. Removing blocks to creativity, open you to manifestation and abundance. Opening yourself allows you to harvest bounty and to directly experience the fullness and joy of living. Learn to listen to your heart, your mind and your body--there is always communication whether it is a still voice or a thunderous boom.
Be open to the answers, the solutions, and the direction in which you are being led.
Be Well.