Even when everyone around you is acting festive and glad, you may find that you are not in the mood, or worse yet--more sad than usual. You may have a special condition known as "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or SAD for short. This is a real disorder caused in part to the shorter days and dismal weather associated with the winter months. The lack of sushine, causes a drop in hormonal levels for some people and this in turn affects their mood. Other reasons for depression, may include the financal stress, relationship stress, or grief for loved ones no longer around to make the holidays special. You are not alone. Millions of Americans feel the same way and help is available. If you are affected by the Winter Blues, you may want to open your windows and blinds to allow in more natural light, you can take a walk in the daylight and make sure you get some exercise to improve your stress levels and flush your body of toxins. You can also get natural help for depression by seeking out a practitioner of Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Yoga, Hypnosis, Massage, or Reiki. I would also recommend a medical consult with an allopathic or osteopathic (MD or DO)doctor to make sure you are truly benefitting from complimentary care. If your symptoms are severe and you find yourself withdrawing completely or focusing on death, you may need more immediate intervention such as a prescription medication or other therapy. Please reach out to help yourself or a loved one during this season. Tis the season where no one should feel alone.