You are bored with work or worse yet--totally apathetic regarding the role you play. You are exhausted--all of the time. You are negative--about almost every part of your life, you feel your contributions to things and people around you are meaningless and unappreciated. You have developed a chronic upset stomach or head ache. Chances are you have burnt out.
Burnout is not the same as stress in that when you are burnt out--life is too menial and there is not enough to fulfill you. When stressed--there is too much to handle, too much of the time. People often do not recognize they are burning out--because it is a gradual occurrence. Burnout often shows up in people who have been super committed to their jobs, families, or activities. They lose sight and lose balance and therefore lose incentive and motivation to keep going. Women by the nature of the roles that many of us play in the family and society are overly susceptible to burnout. Caregivers, first responders and those in the helping professions likewise are at increased risk.
Managing burnout is a multi pronged endeavour. Managing the burnout is usually self directed and the individual must take steps to manage their recovery. Recognizing that you may have lost your get up and go--is part of addressing the issue. For some there may have been major life events, while for others--there just hasn't been enough time to enjoy life. Burnout can lead to depression and stress can certainly contribute to burnout.
If you feel that you may be suffering from burnout--chances are you are right. To request a free report on managing burnout or to schedule a free telephone consult to discuss your needs email me today.