In a nation where 2/3 of adults are either overweight or obese, it is time to look at alternatives where weight management is concerned. The ranking of US states commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America's Health shows that the deep South and Appalachia round out the top 10 fattest states. Traditional approaches to weight management backed by pharmacological intervention and diets are failing the nation at life threatening pace. Where can those afflicted by obesity and the ill health effects turn when there are seemingly few viable alternatives? Hypnotherapists are pioneering a new approach to weight loss which is able to produce lasting results in less time, expense, and without any side effects. The so-called Hypnotic Gastric Bypass is showing major promise as a solution. Is is possible to have all of the results of a surgical gastric bypass without the risk, expense, or pain? Hypnotists say absolutely. In one example the British Telegraph is reporting that a British woman has lost~56 pounds in six months using Hypnosis alone. In this case it took about 4 sessions averaging about $375 each to have permanent and lasting results. In this type of Hypnosis the client is led to believe they have had the surgery and they are now left with a stomach the size of a lemon. The surgical version would have cost $10-20,000 or more, with a hefty recovery time and the risk of surgical complications. If you can think it, you can achieve it and through the miracle of Hypnosis, morbidly obese patients who either can't afford or tolerate surgery now have an option that does not require a trip to Great Britain. At Soul Centered Health there are several options for clients seeking to reduce weight or manage food behaviors through hypnosis. There are both individual and group sessions featuring traditional and modern techniques such as the hypnotic bypass. For more information or to schedule a free consultation contact Soul Centered Health at soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com