Just as humans can enjoy the benefits of the healing energy of Reiki--so do our animal companions. Reiki works on the energy whether it is plant, animal or person--the building blocks of life are essentially the same. Nervous dogs, temperamental cats and even moody birds seem to benefit from treatment. Reiki is especially helpful when the pet is injured or recovering from illness or surgery. Reiki seems to speed their recovery and they seem to enjoy being pampered. I find Reiki to be truly helpful when working with animals as they cannot tell us where they hurt or what is disturbing them. Just as with humans the animal consents to the treatment and I have seen them motion for me to stop or get up and walk away when done. I have seen animals who have had trouble running--chase other animals for the first time in years. I have seen very ill animals respond almost overnight and I have had others seek me out of a crowded dog park or while out on walks with their owners. The owners typically are shocked and tell me that the animal never acts this way or usually does not bother strangers. I smile and I ask if I can meet their pet. I sometimes explain what I do--other times I just offer the energy to the animal. If it helps, its all in a day's work.
If you are interested in Reiki for your animal companion contact me at soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com or get more information at www.soulcenteredhealth.com.
I do make house calls and will visit your pet at the vet/animal hospital if requested.