You would have to live under a very large rock not to have read or seen the chaos that has been swirling around Golf Phenom--Tiger Woods. In the midst of very public personal problems he is battling tooth and nail for his career. I personally have watched as a very young and innocent Tiger joked with Late Night great Johnny Carson as his father groomed him to become one of the world's greatest golfers and arguably one of its greatest athletes. To whit, no one is immune to personal problems or bad patches in our professional lives. Being able to successfully navigate these personal life transitions is what I believe success is all about. Any one can get lucky, but what do they do when they are challenged and need a new plan? In my opinion,Tiger would benefit greatly by relying on Hypnosis to help him reprogram the thought patterns and self doubt which have begun to plague him. While he is rumored to have used hypnosis to improve his golf game--he would be missing out on real benefits if he failed to use it now.
Hypnosis is excellent for hiccups in life. By hiccups I means those times in life when something that was working, is no longer producing desired results. A skilled hypnotist will be able to get inside his head to eliminate the chatter and the clutter that is impeding his prowess. He, unlike most of us, has experienced the wrath of so many regarding issues that are no one else's business. It would be understandable if this public censure has begun to taken its toll on his confidence, his self esteem, and his game. Sports Hypnosis is simplistic in that it is not a panacea for all that ails the athlete, but enables him or her to regain the focus and confidence to excel at their sport. Often the result of an accident, injury, or trauma--these inner confidence eroders eke away at their innate ability to hit their mark, and to visualize their successes.
Hypnosis has been proven to help clients heal faster from injury and to regain peak performance more readily. It is also useful at enabling the client to avoid injuries and over strain to begin with. The mind can visualize perfection as the client sees it, the hypnotist merely enhances the ability to concentrate that effort. Another benefit is the speed at which Hypnosis is able to rectify performance issues. Most of these issues can be resolved in 3-6 sessions. Hypnosis is not only available to elite athletes but can and should be used by those seeking a mental advantage to their game. Whether envisioning a perfect game or crafting the perfect body, the vision you hold in your minds eye--is the vision which becomes your reality.
Hopefully Tiger can weather the storm which is currently engulfing his life, and he will add Hypnosis to his performance enhancing tool box.