April is Autism Awareness Month and I wanted to take this opportunity to spotlight ways in which Reiki can offer comfort and support to those affected by Autism and Aspergers. One of the most profound effects of Reiki is that it produces an almost immediate sense of well being and peace. Anxiety and social phobias are some of the most common symptoms displayed in those with Autism. By utilizing Reiki in children and adults, the intense emotion and fear of their anxiety attacks can be lessened. Another attribute of Reiki treatments is that Reiki can help recipients sleep better and work to sleep more soundly. Reiki can relieve muscle tension and pain, as well as help to enable the recipient to become more in tune with their bodies and not see them as a source of stress or discomfort. Reiki is performed fully clothed and can be performed with light or no touch for those with issues being touched or who have stranger phobias. Reiki has been studied by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and has been shown to reduce pain, anxiety, and to promote healing in a variety of conditions and individuals. While not a cure per se, Reiki is currently being used in some of the top Hospitals and Treatment Centers in the United States for such conditions as Cancer, PTSD, and Autism. Reiki helps promote balance in the body in the physical, emotional and metaphysical realms. The "Ki" or Life Force energy is the target of the Reiki Practitioner. He or she works to enable a positive flow of this energy and seeks to correct imbalances and faulty wiring.
Reiki is also an excellent treatment for the caregivers and support staff who work with those affected by autism. Caregivers burn out and become frustrated, depressed and often overwhelmed with the daily grind of providing round the clock, tireless care. Caregivers should prioritize their own health and well being, as they are sometimes the only support for those in their care and if they lose energy or perspective the task at hand becomes that much harder.
If you or a loved one are affected by Autism or one of the Spectrum disorders, consider adding Reiki to your wellness portfolio. Reiki works on a whole other level and can bring unanticipated help and guidance to a confusing and senseless condition. Help is available and I encourage you to experience the healing potential of Reiki for yourself.
For more information, please feel free to email me via Soul Centered Health for more information on Reiki and Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness. soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com