With the anniversary of 9/11 looming this month, many affected by the tragedy are still experiencing Grief. Grief is a natural response to the loss of a loved one, but can also be experienced for complete strangers--as is evidenced by the interest in the Caylee Anthony case. We are sentient, emotional beings and our very constitution can be affected by our feelings. Grief can come all at once or it can be parceled into smaller, but no less intense periods. For those suffering from grief--the ordinary course of action is time and support. Over time, the feelings are processed, the sadness and sense of loss is often replaced by fond memories or a sense of peace. For others Grief is pervasive and all encompassing. Having experienced the loss of both of my parents and my husband before the age of 40, I consider myself to be quite familiar with the emotion and experiences of loss.
After the deaths of my husband and father within the same year, I found myself plunged into not only grief but depression as well. Grief is intense, but depression prevents functionality. Most people are capable of working through their daily activities while grieving but those who are depressed often have no interest, energy, or inclination to continue doing ordinary things. Medications are effective, yet many come with side effects such as sleepiness, or incoherent thoughts. It is hard to manage a career, drive a car, or manage a household while depressed and/or medicated. For me, opting to implement Holistic therapies was a turning point in my personal well being. Reiki was able to release some of the emotional and mental residue which was keeping me down and out of sorts. Hypnosis helped me quell the negative thought patterns which are so pervasive in the bereaved--sometimes being described as "survivors guilt." Through these and other healing techniques I was able to reclaim my life and begin to piece together a new beginning, including becoming a Certified Practitioner.
If you or someone you care about is living through the aftermath of losing a loved one or even a pet--there is help available. The important fact is to recognize when Grief is resolving naturally and when you or they may need help. Survival is our first instinct, yet grief makes life seem so futile. It forces us to confront equity, purpose, and even our sense of self worth. By acknowledging that you may need help, a solution is closer at hand. I now coach, counsel, and assist others back to the land of the living, by sharing what I have learned in my own journey. Some come into my office, others I speak to via phone. It is not easy, but there is life after death. Reclaim your life, it is your birthright.
All my best,
for more information, soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Hypnosis as health care quietly gains ground
Hypnosis as health care quietly gains ground
At Soul Centered Health addressing medical concerns via Hypnosis is my specialty. If you have an illness or problem that has not responded to traditional treatments--I urge you to consider adding Hypnosis to your arsenal of tools. Hypnosis will not interfere with your other therapies, or medications, and has been approved by the American Medical Association since 1957 for use in patient care. In this article various Medical Studies have validated the effectiveness of Hypnosis as therapy for such conditions as IBS, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and more. Hypnosis was the first Anesthetic used on the battlefield in early American wars, as pain relieving medications were not yet developed. Hypnosis is safe and effective and relative to surgical or pharmacological treatments--it is also more cost effective as studies show patients who undergo Hypnosis spend less time recovering in Hospitals and use less pain medication and other drugs. Hypnosis has tangible benefits that are non-invasive and effective on 80% or more of the population. For a free consultation or more information about how Hypnosis can benefit you, please contact Soul Centered Health at 610.680.8476.
At Soul Centered Health addressing medical concerns via Hypnosis is my specialty. If you have an illness or problem that has not responded to traditional treatments--I urge you to consider adding Hypnosis to your arsenal of tools. Hypnosis will not interfere with your other therapies, or medications, and has been approved by the American Medical Association since 1957 for use in patient care. In this article various Medical Studies have validated the effectiveness of Hypnosis as therapy for such conditions as IBS, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and more. Hypnosis was the first Anesthetic used on the battlefield in early American wars, as pain relieving medications were not yet developed. Hypnosis is safe and effective and relative to surgical or pharmacological treatments--it is also more cost effective as studies show patients who undergo Hypnosis spend less time recovering in Hospitals and use less pain medication and other drugs. Hypnosis has tangible benefits that are non-invasive and effective on 80% or more of the population. For a free consultation or more information about how Hypnosis can benefit you, please contact Soul Centered Health at 610.680.8476.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Chewing No More: Giant's Secret Weapon | NBC Bay Area
Chewing No More: Giant's Secret Weapon NBC Bay Area
With all of the competition between the Philllies and Giants this month--I want you to know they don't have anything on us. I will happily help Phillies or other area residents become tobacco free using Hypnosis. At Soul Centered Health, I use advanced, effective techiniques to help you become and remain Tobacco free!
With all of the competition between the Philllies and Giants this month--I want you to know they don't have anything on us. I will happily help Phillies or other area residents become tobacco free using Hypnosis. At Soul Centered Health, I use advanced, effective techiniques to help you become and remain Tobacco free!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Shania Twain uses Reiki to help heal her life!
Shania Twain Still Looking For Her Voice on �Why Not? With Shania Twain� Taste of Country
In a recent episode of "Why Not" Shania Twain, undergoes Reiki in an effort to heal the traumatic effects of her marriage and physical challenges regarding her voice. Reiki helps at an energetic and metaphysical level although it helps to resolve physical and mental illnesses. Reiki is a process of channeling healing energy directly from the God Source. The natural state for all life is balance and Reiki seeks to restore this innate balance in an effort to restore optimal function.
Soul Centered Health wishes Shania well in her quest for wellness and healing. If you or a loved one would like to restore balance in your life and body, contact me at 610-680-8476.
In a recent episode of "Why Not" Shania Twain, undergoes Reiki in an effort to heal the traumatic effects of her marriage and physical challenges regarding her voice. Reiki helps at an energetic and metaphysical level although it helps to resolve physical and mental illnesses. Reiki is a process of channeling healing energy directly from the God Source. The natural state for all life is balance and Reiki seeks to restore this innate balance in an effort to restore optimal function.
Soul Centered Health wishes Shania well in her quest for wellness and healing. If you or a loved one would like to restore balance in your life and body, contact me at 610-680-8476.
Is Hypnosis New Age or New Edge?
New age or new edge Tribe Jewish Journal
Hypnosis is becoming very main stream and is helping thousands conquer stress, illness, and resolve longstanding life issues...For more information on how Hypnosis can help you, contact Soul Centered Health for a free consultation. http://soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Hypnosis is becoming very main stream and is helping thousands conquer stress, illness, and resolve longstanding life issues...For more information on how Hypnosis can help you, contact Soul Centered Health for a free consultation. http://soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Local woman drops 42 pounds after hypno-bypass
Local woman drops 42 pounds after hypno-bypass
Soul Centered Health first brought this technique to your attention last July 15, 2010. At Soul Centered Health you can lose weight quickly and easily using the power of your mind. As an added benefit there is no pain, scarring, or surgical risks! Before going under the knife, you owe it to yourself to explore all of your options and Hypnosis is an internationally recognized, medically effective tool to manage weight! You can reduce pounds and inches just like this woman did and your Flex benefits at work can be used to pay for it. Iinterested in getting more information on the Hypno Gastric Bypass or other ways in which Hypnosis can help you ? Come in for a free consultation to get all of your answers. Contact Soul Centered Health today, 610.680.8476 or soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Soul Centered Health first brought this technique to your attention last July 15, 2010. At Soul Centered Health you can lose weight quickly and easily using the power of your mind. As an added benefit there is no pain, scarring, or surgical risks! Before going under the knife, you owe it to yourself to explore all of your options and Hypnosis is an internationally recognized, medically effective tool to manage weight! You can reduce pounds and inches just like this woman did and your Flex benefits at work can be used to pay for it. Iinterested in getting more information on the Hypno Gastric Bypass or other ways in which Hypnosis can help you ? Come in for a free consultation to get all of your answers. Contact Soul Centered Health today, 610.680.8476 or soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Does Hypnosis Really Help With Weight Loss? - FoxNews.com
Does Hypnosis Really Help With Weight Loss? - FoxNews.com
True to form, Doctor Manny, remains a cautious optimist, but considering that Allopathic Medicine has not yet solved the battle of the bulge, I encourage you to explore all of your other options, including Hypnosis. In this article, he does validate that yes, Hypnosis can in fact help you lose weight!
True to form, Doctor Manny, remains a cautious optimist, but considering that Allopathic Medicine has not yet solved the battle of the bulge, I encourage you to explore all of your other options, including Hypnosis. In this article, he does validate that yes, Hypnosis can in fact help you lose weight!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Hypnosis in lieu of Surgical Anesthesia
Hypnosis to Replace Anesthesia During Surgery?
Jupiterimages/Thinkstock(BRUSSELS, Belgium) -- Partial mastectomy, biopsy and removal of lymph nodes, removal of the thyroid -- would you be willing to undergo these surgical procedures without general anesthesia? One Belgium hospital reportedly performs a third of their thyroid surgeries and a quarter of all breast cancer surgeries with only local anesthetic and hypnosis.
A study conducted by the Saint-Luc University Hospital has found that women who underwent the removal of their thyroids using only local anesthesia and hypnosis had lower use of opioids pain killers, shorter hospital stay, and greater satisfaction compared to women who opted for general anesthesia.
The findings were presented at a European Anaesthesiology Congress meeting, and researchers say the approach may be broadened to other surgeries including hernias, gynecological surgeries, plastic surgery procedures, and even some heart surgeries, thereby also providing benefits for healthcare systems by reducing costs involved in longer hospital stays.
Copyright 2011 ABC News Radio
Jupiterimages/Thinkstock(BRUSSELS, Belgium) -- Partial mastectomy, biopsy and removal of lymph nodes, removal of the thyroid -- would you be willing to undergo these surgical procedures without general anesthesia? One Belgium hospital reportedly performs a third of their thyroid surgeries and a quarter of all breast cancer surgeries with only local anesthetic and hypnosis.
A study conducted by the Saint-Luc University Hospital has found that women who underwent the removal of their thyroids using only local anesthesia and hypnosis had lower use of opioids pain killers, shorter hospital stay, and greater satisfaction compared to women who opted for general anesthesia.
The findings were presented at a European Anaesthesiology Congress meeting, and researchers say the approach may be broadened to other surgeries including hernias, gynecological surgeries, plastic surgery procedures, and even some heart surgeries, thereby also providing benefits for healthcare systems by reducing costs involved in longer hospital stays.
Copyright 2011 ABC News Radio
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Hypnosis used in dental procedure
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Hypnosis used in dental procedure
British man has two rotten teeth removed with no anesthesia! Here is irrefutable proof that Hypnosis truly works even under extreme conditions!
British man has two rotten teeth removed with no anesthesia! Here is irrefutable proof that Hypnosis truly works even under extreme conditions!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Reiki Motto
Reiki is based on a simple set of concepts that the Reiki Practitioner strives to embody.
Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will let go of worry.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
Just for today, I will honor my teachers.
So no matter what is causing you anguish, grief, pain, or suffering--Just for today--just allow yourself to be...
If you would like to experience the healing energy of Reiki--I am accepting new clients at my Private Practice in Phoenixville PA.
--Soul Centered Health. 610-680-8476 for more information or to schedule an appointment-- soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will let go of worry.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
Just for today, I will honor my teachers.
So no matter what is causing you anguish, grief, pain, or suffering--Just for today--just allow yourself to be...
If you would like to experience the healing energy of Reiki--I am accepting new clients at my Private Practice in Phoenixville PA.
--Soul Centered Health. 610-680-8476 for more information or to schedule an appointment-- soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Help for Fibromyalgia
Today is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day and in deference to the more than 5 million people diagnosed with this condition I would like to extend my congratulations on their efforts to get the word out. Twenty years ago--Fibromyalgia was seen as a non-existent "pain syndrome" which was largely believed to be psychological in origin. Today doctors and researchers concede that the pain is real. For most in the throes of a flare up it can be quite debilitating. Where medication and therapy fall short, there are other therapies which help to mitigate the pain and to enable the affected person to have a modicum of control over their disease.
There is no doubt that Fibromyalgia is exacerbated by stress. Both Hypnosis and Reiki can help to reduce stress and to help in the management of the pain. Pain can be intense and can reduce the quality of life of not only those affected, but that of their families and supporters. Hypnosis works via the Mind Body pathway and helps the client to learn to relax and create the internal environment conducive to healing. By learning and practicing Hypnosis, participants are given control over their emotions and learn to manage their environments in a much healthier way.
Reiki promotes a sense of well being and balance in the participant. It helps to remove blockages of energy and to restore proper function where there is imbalance. A belief in Reiki is not necessary for the treatment to have an effect. In a study reviewing blood samples taken before and after Reiki treatment, those given Reiki showed significant differences in their blood chemistry showing an increase in Hemoglobin and blood cell components, whereas those given no Reiki showed no changes. (J Holist Nurs March 1989 vol. 7 no. 1 47-54 ) Reiki has been shown to reduce pain, inflammation, irritation, and swelling in a variety of illnesses. For those affected by Fibromyalgia, adding Reiki to their treatment plan could help them in their quest for quality of life. I encourage you to seek out traditional and nontraditional modalities as the path to healing may not be direct. Don't let naysayers or skeptics deter your investigation of options, afterall, just a few short years ago--the traditional medical establishment said your illness Fibromyalgia did not exist.
If you or a loved one would like to learn more about Hypnosis or Reiki, please feel free to email me for a free consultation. I have a private practice, Soul Centered Health, outside of Philadelphia where I specialize in Holistic Stress Management and the Management of Chronic Conditions.
There is no doubt that Fibromyalgia is exacerbated by stress. Both Hypnosis and Reiki can help to reduce stress and to help in the management of the pain. Pain can be intense and can reduce the quality of life of not only those affected, but that of their families and supporters. Hypnosis works via the Mind Body pathway and helps the client to learn to relax and create the internal environment conducive to healing. By learning and practicing Hypnosis, participants are given control over their emotions and learn to manage their environments in a much healthier way.
Reiki promotes a sense of well being and balance in the participant. It helps to remove blockages of energy and to restore proper function where there is imbalance. A belief in Reiki is not necessary for the treatment to have an effect. In a study reviewing blood samples taken before and after Reiki treatment, those given Reiki showed significant differences in their blood chemistry showing an increase in Hemoglobin and blood cell components, whereas those given no Reiki showed no changes. (J Holist Nurs March 1989 vol. 7 no. 1 47-54 ) Reiki has been shown to reduce pain, inflammation, irritation, and swelling in a variety of illnesses. For those affected by Fibromyalgia, adding Reiki to their treatment plan could help them in their quest for quality of life. I encourage you to seek out traditional and nontraditional modalities as the path to healing may not be direct. Don't let naysayers or skeptics deter your investigation of options, afterall, just a few short years ago--the traditional medical establishment said your illness Fibromyalgia did not exist.
If you or a loved one would like to learn more about Hypnosis or Reiki, please feel free to email me for a free consultation. I have a private practice, Soul Centered Health, outside of Philadelphia where I specialize in Holistic Stress Management and the Management of Chronic Conditions.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Reiki and Autism

April is Autism Awareness Month and I wanted to take this opportunity to spotlight ways in which Reiki can offer comfort and support to those affected by Autism and Aspergers. One of the most profound effects of Reiki is that it produces an almost immediate sense of well being and peace. Anxiety and social phobias are some of the most common symptoms displayed in those with Autism. By utilizing Reiki in children and adults, the intense emotion and fear of their anxiety attacks can be lessened. Another attribute of Reiki treatments is that Reiki can help recipients sleep better and work to sleep more soundly. Reiki can relieve muscle tension and pain, as well as help to enable the recipient to become more in tune with their bodies and not see them as a source of stress or discomfort. Reiki is performed fully clothed and can be performed with light or no touch for those with issues being touched or who have stranger phobias. Reiki has been studied by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and has been shown to reduce pain, anxiety, and to promote healing in a variety of conditions and individuals. While not a cure per se, Reiki is currently being used in some of the top Hospitals and Treatment Centers in the United States for such conditions as Cancer, PTSD, and Autism. Reiki helps promote balance in the body in the physical, emotional and metaphysical realms. The "Ki" or Life Force energy is the target of the Reiki Practitioner. He or she works to enable a positive flow of this energy and seeks to correct imbalances and faulty wiring.
Reiki is also an excellent treatment for the caregivers and support staff who work with those affected by autism. Caregivers burn out and become frustrated, depressed and often overwhelmed with the daily grind of providing round the clock, tireless care. Caregivers should prioritize their own health and well being, as they are sometimes the only support for those in their care and if they lose energy or perspective the task at hand becomes that much harder.
If you or a loved one are affected by Autism or one of the Spectrum disorders, consider adding Reiki to your wellness portfolio. Reiki works on a whole other level and can bring unanticipated help and guidance to a confusing and senseless condition. Help is available and I encourage you to experience the healing potential of Reiki for yourself.
For more information, please feel free to email me via Soul Centered Health for more information on Reiki and Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness. soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Monday, March 28, 2011
Five reasons to consider Reiki

Reiki is a healing modality with origins in Japan. It is used to balance the body's energy and to foster a sense of relaxation and peace. Reiki can be a highly effective tool when used with traditional therapies in the war against diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and more. Reiki is also a good stand alone therapy and has a variety of uses to help in healing and strengthening of the fortitude and physique. Why consider Reiki?
1. Reiki is performed fully clothed.
For those who are very private or modest, Reiki presents a good option to receive treatment while still maintaining a sense of privacy and decorum. While other options are highly effective, not everyone is open to touch, being disrobed, or being exposed.
2. Reiki can be performed in almost any setting. You can be seated, laying down, at home, or in the practitioner's office. Reiki is mobile and can be performed in emergency situation in addition to rendering first aid. Reiki can and is being done in hospitals to aid in recovery and in pre and post surgical events.
3. Reiki can be performed on people of all ages. Reiki is great for infants, as well as older individuals. Reiki can in fact be used at any age for any species. Reiki is great to maintain health, as well as to aid the constitutions of those who are ill.
4. Reiki can help you with Sleep issues. Reiki can benefit those who are having disturbed rest or difficulty with insomnia. Reiki can help resolve some of the emotional residue which keeps you from sleeping.
5. Reiki has been shown to be effective in reducing pain. In a recent study, patients who underwent a breast biopsy were given Reiki post surgery. The patients who received the Reiki, expressed less pain, and their recovery time was shortened as compared to those who were not offered Reiki.
If you or a loved one are ill, overwhelmed or looking for balance in your life and body-Reiki is a great way to bring balance and harmony back to your body, mind, and spirit. At Soul Centered Health, Reiki is one of the chief modalities I use to help people who are suffering or who are serious about changing various parts of their lives. For more information please feel free to contact me or to schedule a healing Reiki session. soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Get a Bikini Bod with Hypnosis

Spring is here and before you know it, summer will beckon with barbeques, beach trips, and bikini's. If the very thought of baring your assets, puts you in a panic, then there is an easy, drugfree way to get the body you want. Hypnosis is quick, painless, and easy. You change your thoughts and therefore your life. You can reduce or eliminate cravings, overeating, and find motivation to eat healthier fare. Hypnosis can help you eat less but feel just as satisfied. At Soul Centered Health I design custom plans to help you wrestle free of your food addictions and emotional eating. Obesity is a contributing factor in millions of deaths each year, many of which could have been prevented. Under the guidance of a skilled Hypnotist, you can envision the body you want and think yourself into a thinner, healthier you! For more information on how you too can get the lean, sexy, body you have imagined go to
for more information.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Why Choose Hypnosis To Quit Smoking with Eleanor Fineran
Why Choose Hypnosis To Quit Smoking with Eleanor Fineran
Check out my latest interview with Ehealth Radio via podcast--if you have any questions, drop me a line!
Check out my latest interview with Ehealth Radio via podcast--if you have any questions, drop me a line!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You are bored with work or worse yet--totally apathetic regarding the role you play. You are exhausted--all of the time. You are negative--about almost every part of your life, you feel your contributions to things and people around you are meaningless and unappreciated. You have developed a chronic upset stomach or head ache. Chances are you have burnt out.
Burnout is not the same as stress in that when you are burnt out--life is too menial and there is not enough to fulfill you. When stressed--there is too much to handle, too much of the time. People often do not recognize they are burning out--because it is a gradual occurrence. Burnout often shows up in people who have been super committed to their jobs, families, or activities. They lose sight and lose balance and therefore lose incentive and motivation to keep going. Women by the nature of the roles that many of us play in the family and society are overly susceptible to burnout. Caregivers, first responders and those in the helping professions likewise are at increased risk.
Managing burnout is a multi pronged endeavour. Managing the burnout is usually self directed and the individual must take steps to manage their recovery. Recognizing that you may have lost your get up and go--is part of addressing the issue. For some there may have been major life events, while for others--there just hasn't been enough time to enjoy life. Burnout can lead to depression and stress can certainly contribute to burnout.
If you feel that you may be suffering from burnout--chances are you are right. To request a free report on managing burnout or to schedule a free telephone consult to discuss your needs email me today.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Passing the test

Even though winter winds rage and temperatures plummet--caterpillars slumber safe in their own chrysalis. Sometimes we want change instantly, but sometimes Big, Beautiful, Blessings take time... Is there a lesson you are missing by attempting to circumvent your life trials and tribulations? Are you trying to speed through a rough patch so you can avoid the emotional and spiritual work that you need to process? Unfortunately the Universe will answer this approach by sending you the same or similar lessons over and over until you are ready to submit and learn. If you put in the effort to learn but come up with a false truth--you are likewise doomed to repeat the cycle again. Only by humbling the ego and being open to our highest good are we freed from this winding road. We then soar above obstacles and feel renewed in spirit and resolve. Whatever is presenting in your life as a roadblock, pain, breakdown or loss--could represent a pivotal lesson in your soul's evolution. You are being tempered by experience and could emerge stronger, wiser, and more beautiful in its wake. You must stop and examine the circumstance with fresh eyes, what is the real lesson I am being asked to learn? If God has a spiritual promotion in the works for you, you are no good to God if you repeatedly fail your tests.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Use it or Lose it --Using Flexible Spending Accounts for Alternative Health
Do you have HSA/FSA Health Savings or Flexible Spending Accounts through your employer? Do you have an excess balance remaining in your account from last year? You may be in luck due to the FSA grace period--You have extra time to make a claim against your account**. If you were thinking about an alternative health service and it was not covered by your medical insurance, chances are if you are seeing a provider for a medical condition, with a doctor's referral, you can use your FSA money for payment! Under the IRS guidelines cosmetic procedures such as weight loss services to look better would not qualify, however if your weight is a causal or contributing factor to Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension etc--you could have weight loss Hypnosis to treat your condition. You could use your account to pay for Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Stress Management and more. If you have an account for this year--you can use it fund treatment for your holistic medical needs. For more information on how you can use your HSA/FSA contributions at Soul Centered Health--email me at soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
**Important Note: You will FORFEIT any money that you do not use in your account(s) by the end of the Benefit Period. This is known as the “use or lose” rule. The Grace Period provides you with an additional 2 ½ months (January 1 to March 15) to incur expenses against your prior year's account. You have until midnight Eastern Time on April 30 following the end of the Benefit Period to file claims for reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred during the previous Benefit Period. We encourage you to carefully plan how much money to contribute to your account(s). The FSAFEDS Calculator at www.FSAFEDS.com can help you calculate allotments based on your individual situation, as well as indicate your potential tax savings. Neither OPM, nor your employing agency, has the authority to make any exception to this IRS rule.
**Important Note: You will FORFEIT any money that you do not use in your account(s) by the end of the Benefit Period. This is known as the “use or lose” rule. The Grace Period provides you with an additional 2 ½ months (January 1 to March 15) to incur expenses against your prior year's account. You have until midnight Eastern Time on April 30 following the end of the Benefit Period to file claims for reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred during the previous Benefit Period. We encourage you to carefully plan how much money to contribute to your account(s). The FSAFEDS Calculator at www.FSAFEDS.com can help you calculate allotments based on your individual situation, as well as indicate your potential tax savings. Neither OPM, nor your employing agency, has the authority to make any exception to this IRS rule.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Thief of Time
“Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the "someday I'll... philosophy.” Dennis Waitley
If somebody offers you a key to solving your biggest life problems would you take action? Some of us would--these are the achievers-the go getters. They are bound and determined to find success and most likely will. Still others are the thinkers--they have to review, document, and solicit other opinions of the offer. These often fall victim to analysis paralysis. Some of us are just too beaten up and self sabotage by not moving forward or by letting opportunity slip by due to delay or inaction. These people fail to show up on time to free giveaways, neglect to mail in their prize entries, continually cancel or reschedule appointments, or they find excuses as to why the offer is not legitimate. There are actually a few people for whom the offer is not a good fit and those are people who are satisfied with the status quo or who are pleased with their level of mediocrity--it gives them a reason to complain, an identity, or a reason to solicit sympathy from the world.
I often encounter people who say they are willing to change their lives for the better. They have physical, emotional, or professional situations which are the source of endless amounts of grief and unhappiness. I have a knack of being able to spot who is ready to change and who is not and who is just offering lip service. People who are ready to change their lives--show up--they are present in mind and body and seek to embrace the change they seek head on. They ask how high do I have to jump? How long will it take? Can you show me now and I am doing it right? Price is never an object when you really, really want something. People save for years to afford a piece of porcelain to hide in a cabinet, or a piece of brightly colored cloth to wear once. People spend their money on get rich schemes and snake oil everyday because it appeals to their sense of an easy solution. But offer a real change--requiring a real commitment and the weak falter every time. Perhaps that is why they are in the situation to begin with--they fail to not only recognize they are the architects of their own misfortunes, they fail to embrace the opportunity to be and do better. Another factor is whether or not you trust the Professional adviser to be able to deliver the goods. People secretly ask, "What makes you such an expert or better able to guide me?" To those people I answer; I have the experience and expertise garnered by real life and academic prowess. Let's face it--most people solicit life advice from their friends and acquaintances who often are in similar or worse situations than they are. These advisers lack objectivity, technique and often discretion. People turn to strangers, carnival workers, and telephone mediums to guide them in the most sensitive of life matters, but yet balk when I suggest strategic life coaching. They tell me they can't afford it, or the timing is not right for a variety of reasons. Still others have embraced change and feel better, are happier, and well on their way to leading productive--self determined lives.
At Soul Centered Health, I am in the business of managing and mitigating personal crises. I help people help themselves. It is not mysterious, or hocus pocus, or a magic eraser to wipe out their flaws. I offer value and strategic holistic life coaching to enable you to identify, manifest, and enjoy a better life. I focus on integrating your Mind, Body, and Spirit so that you operate from a place of balance and strength. It takes courage to address the things in your life that aren't going well and Faith to see the process through. Whether you are a local client or not I invite you to become the change you seek by taking advantage of my in-person, telephone, or email coaching options. Begin to take back control of your life and destiny today, soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
If somebody offers you a key to solving your biggest life problems would you take action? Some of us would--these are the achievers-the go getters. They are bound and determined to find success and most likely will. Still others are the thinkers--they have to review, document, and solicit other opinions of the offer. These often fall victim to analysis paralysis. Some of us are just too beaten up and self sabotage by not moving forward or by letting opportunity slip by due to delay or inaction. These people fail to show up on time to free giveaways, neglect to mail in their prize entries, continually cancel or reschedule appointments, or they find excuses as to why the offer is not legitimate. There are actually a few people for whom the offer is not a good fit and those are people who are satisfied with the status quo or who are pleased with their level of mediocrity--it gives them a reason to complain, an identity, or a reason to solicit sympathy from the world.
I often encounter people who say they are willing to change their lives for the better. They have physical, emotional, or professional situations which are the source of endless amounts of grief and unhappiness. I have a knack of being able to spot who is ready to change and who is not and who is just offering lip service. People who are ready to change their lives--show up--they are present in mind and body and seek to embrace the change they seek head on. They ask how high do I have to jump? How long will it take? Can you show me now and I am doing it right? Price is never an object when you really, really want something. People save for years to afford a piece of porcelain to hide in a cabinet, or a piece of brightly colored cloth to wear once. People spend their money on get rich schemes and snake oil everyday because it appeals to their sense of an easy solution. But offer a real change--requiring a real commitment and the weak falter every time. Perhaps that is why they are in the situation to begin with--they fail to not only recognize they are the architects of their own misfortunes, they fail to embrace the opportunity to be and do better. Another factor is whether or not you trust the Professional adviser to be able to deliver the goods. People secretly ask, "What makes you such an expert or better able to guide me?" To those people I answer; I have the experience and expertise garnered by real life and academic prowess. Let's face it--most people solicit life advice from their friends and acquaintances who often are in similar or worse situations than they are. These advisers lack objectivity, technique and often discretion. People turn to strangers, carnival workers, and telephone mediums to guide them in the most sensitive of life matters, but yet balk when I suggest strategic life coaching. They tell me they can't afford it, or the timing is not right for a variety of reasons. Still others have embraced change and feel better, are happier, and well on their way to leading productive--self determined lives.
At Soul Centered Health, I am in the business of managing and mitigating personal crises. I help people help themselves. It is not mysterious, or hocus pocus, or a magic eraser to wipe out their flaws. I offer value and strategic holistic life coaching to enable you to identify, manifest, and enjoy a better life. I focus on integrating your Mind, Body, and Spirit so that you operate from a place of balance and strength. It takes courage to address the things in your life that aren't going well and Faith to see the process through. Whether you are a local client or not I invite you to become the change you seek by taking advantage of my in-person, telephone, or email coaching options. Begin to take back control of your life and destiny today, soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Too old to change
You are never too old to make changes! The human brain is remarkably resilient and can reroute synapses and new nerve pathways to literally relearn behaviors and functions. The brain is self-managed and self preserving. Your brain can repair itself, protect you from bad memories, and even close itself off from damaged or defective tissue. If you are feeling that you are beyond your productive years--not to worry--your brain is not limited to age related change. Most learning starts in infancy where the brain learns how to learn. However there has been a lot of work with people who have suffered traumatic brain injuries which prove the brain is a remarkable organ. Stroke victims can learn to speak again, walk, and function to a high degree--all without using the damaged part of their brain. At Soul Centered Health, Hypnosis is one of the tools I use to teach you to reprogram your brain. Whether you want to manage behavior, appetite, or emotion--hypnosis is a wonderful tool to enable you to make positive changes. Hypnosis can be effective at almost any age--from children to the young at heart. I always provide a free consultation to discuss the features and benefits of hypnosis and to allow my clients the opportunity to determine if Hypnosis is a good match for them. If you are beating yourself up because you have not been able to make positive changes--stop. I am a trained professional who can help you manage your thoughts and to harness your brain power to become the person you want to be. If you think you are too old--you are--but if you secretly have been hoping you aren't --then seize the chance to master your own mind and destiny.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Am I helping too much?
Are you always helping others? Are you the one people call when they need money, time, sympathy etc? Are you confused as to why you help? Take my new quiz to find out how you rank If you can't see the quiz clearly--click link above for expanded view...
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