Yoda was not so very far off when he sensed a disturbance in "the force." When performing a Reiki session, I am called upon to scan the bodies energy and to take note of where that energy seems to ebb or where it seems to flow. Reiki is a very gentle art and it requires first that the practitioner learn to communicate on a subtle almost imperceptible level with this energy. Then,once able to perceive this energy, the practitioner learns to interact with it and to manipulate it. The practitioner is not the source of this life energy or Chi, they are merely a conduit. The universal life energy is the rough translation of the Reiki character. We in the West don't have an actual translation as we are not that attuned to the manifestation of divine energy in this manner. We, based on our healing and spiritual traditions, have been removed from the healing process and the active pursuit of co-creative spirituality. We are passive in our wellness and expect God to perform miracles irrespective of our thoughts, participation, willingness, or resistance. Submission is a key component of Eastern religions but it should be confused with surrender. By relinquishing control and trusting that your needs will be met, you are the very embodiment of power. Instead of passively accepting whatever fate may befall you, you have the faith that the outcome you desire is the outcome destined to be.
Reiki is not a religion or a form of spiritual dogma. Reiki transcends our concept of a need to control and organize thinking and manifestation. Reiki can heal what ails us--not because it seeks to address the symptoms, but because it goes directly to the source of the core imbalance. May the force be with you...
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