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Sound familiar? Fantastic claims, over zealous announcers, and of course a demoralizing money back guarantee. "If you truly are a loser for whom this product that works for everyone else, doesn't work for you after you have really and truly tried then we would gladly give you your money back--as we no longer want to have anything to do with you."
When it comes to Hypnosis, how do you decide what to believe? Does Hypnosis really work? Here are some facts to consider--
Fact: Hypnosis has been recognized by the American Medical Association since 1958 as a viable and successful adjunct treatment.
"Hypnosis can be used very effectively for pain reduction. It can also be very useful in treating anxiety in people who are anxious. Hypnosis has been shown to be effective in helping people to stop smoking and in controlling overeating." David Spiegel, M.D. Associate Chairman of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University.
Fact: Hypnosis is a fast and effective treatment.
"...we find that for psychoanalysis we can expect a recovery rate of 38% after approximately 600 sessions. For Wolpian therapy, we can expect a recovery rate of 72% after an average of 22 sessions, and for hypnotherapy we can expect a recovery rate of 93% after an average of 6 sessions." Dr Alfred A. Barrios PhD Hypnotherapy a Reappraisal
Fact: Hypnosis is a successful therapy for weight management
In the below study patients were reviewed after a 9 week weight loss program--Some were supported with Hypnosis, some were not. At the end of the sessions--all showed weight loss, however at the 8 month and again at the 2 year follow up--those who had added hypnosis showed significant additional weight loss as compared to those who had not been hypnotized.
Bolocofsky, D. N., Spinler, D. and Coulthard-Morris, L. (1985), Effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41: 35–41. doi: 10.1002/1097-4679(198501)41:1<35::AID-JCLP2270410107>3.0.CO;2-Z
What are the uses for Hypnosis? Well a better question might be what can't Hypnosis be used for. Hypnosis can be used in lieu of anesthesia in surgery, for stress reduction, to heal skin problems, and to conquer a fear of heights. People have successfully quit smoking, recalled facts in criminal cases, and visualized solutions to complex scientific problems all using Hypnosis. If you are interested in more information or to see if Hypnosis may be right for you, contact Soul Centered Health today.
soulcenteredhealth@yahoo.com 610-680-8476
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