Friday, December 17, 2010
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
The holiday season is certainly no time to feel deprived. It seems like everyone is indulging in fabulous treats, libations and good cheer. While it can be difficult to stay on track even with the best motivation, there is a way to win while still enjoying your holidays. By being selective about which foods you choose--you can stick to your healthy eating goals and improve your overall mood.
For example--many people feature a Roast Turkey or Chicken at holiday dinners. Not only is poultry an excellent source of protein, it contains the Amino Acid Tyrosine, which improves both Dopamine and Nor epinephrine levels in the brain. These key hormones regulate mood and work to support the Central Nervous system. Likewise Seafood, a common feature in Mediterranean Christmas celebrations is rich in Selenium--a mineral which also reduces anxiety, improves mood, and is said to key gray hair at bay. Citrus, such as clementines are rich in Vitamin C--an antioxidant which also raises Nor epinephrine levels. Avocados are even richer in potassium than bananas and have over 20 vitamins and minerals. To top it off--the healthy fats in avocados--satisfy your hunger faster and help to make you feel fuller. Nuts are found on many a holiday buffet and not only do they supply protein, and healthy fats which support your heart, they are also rich in Selenium and vitamins.
What about dessert? Go ahead,have some chocolate in moderation. Chocolate can cause the release of feel good hormones known as Endorphins and is rich in Minerals such as Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, and Potassium. Chocolate also has Antioxidants known as flavonoids and B vitamins which support the nervous system. Allow yourself to indulge, but make the calories count. Make certain to get nutrition along with good taste. Your brain is an amazing organ that supports your entire body. Support your holiday cheer with healthy and delicious choices. Use self hypnosis to manage portion control or set limits as to how much enjoyment you will allow. For instance if there is a holiday party on the weekend--give yourself a mental break and enjoy it--taking care to monitor your eating for the rest of the week.
Soul Centered Health offers the following tips to clients looking to improve mood and manage weight during this season.
-When feeling overwhelmed,practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce holiday stress.
-Remember to breathe--practice taking 3 deep breaths before entering a stressful situation or when you feel tempted to overindulge.
-Lastly--make sure you drink your water. Sometimes what you feel is not hunger, but thirst. Although there will be cider, punch, eggnog and spirits--water is readily accessible to your cells and does not require filtering or digestion. Your magnificent brain is 75-80% water! Keeping adequate hydration will go a long way to improve your mood.
All in all the holidays are about enjoying what remains of the year. If you have been moody or down, maybe the holidays are the perfect time to spread good cheer.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tis the Season for Sadness
Even when everyone around you is acting festive and glad, you may find that you are not in the mood, or worse yet--more sad than usual. You may have a special condition known as "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or SAD for short. This is a real disorder caused in part to the shorter days and dismal weather associated with the winter months. The lack of sushine, causes a drop in hormonal levels for some people and this in turn affects their mood. Other reasons for depression, may include the financal stress, relationship stress, or grief for loved ones no longer around to make the holidays special. You are not alone. Millions of Americans feel the same way and help is available. If you are affected by the Winter Blues, you may want to open your windows and blinds to allow in more natural light, you can take a walk in the daylight and make sure you get some exercise to improve your stress levels and flush your body of toxins. You can also get natural help for depression by seeking out a practitioner of Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Yoga, Hypnosis, Massage, or Reiki. I would also recommend a medical consult with an allopathic or osteopathic (MD or DO)doctor to make sure you are truly benefitting from complimentary care. If your symptoms are severe and you find yourself withdrawing completely or focusing on death, you may need more immediate intervention such as a prescription medication or other therapy. Please reach out to help yourself or a loved one during this season. Tis the season where no one should feel alone.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Power of Giving Thanks
While it may seem like a nominal gesture, there is real power in being thankful. Dr Joe Dispenza studied cases of spontaneous healings and found that gratitude was a common factor in all of the patients who recovered. Not only were they thankful for each day, they truly believed that they would be healed by a higher power. In his latest book, "Evolve your Brain",he discusses the science behind the power of the mind. Expressing gratitude allows us to be receptive. We are humble and we are open to infinite possibilities. This week as we all search for things for which to be grateful--take a few moments beforehand to truly reflect on the miracles occurring in your life right now. Your heart continues to beat in spite of stress, double cheeseburgers, and for some, cigarettes. You have escaped car crashes, falls, near fatal levels of intoxication and yet you are here. Some of you have outlived Doctors who swore you'd never celebrate another birthday. Still others have survived personal tragedies and legacies of abuse and neglect. Those experiences and influences live on in the neurons and synapses in your brain and rerouting the experience into something positive can change your life for the better. One of the easiest, cheapest, and most readily accessible mind tools, is simply expressing thanks. It begins and ends with you. If you are blocked and feel there is nothing to be grateful for, not only is this part of the problem, it is imperative that you find someone or something else to focus on. Express gratitude for the weather, for a meal, for a fast checkout line, for a coupon, or for a gentle smile, or a wagging dog tail. Find some measure of validation that you are not alone--I guarantee you--the more you seek, the more proof you shall find.
Happy Thanksgiving and may you find the tools, answers, and help you need in your life's journey!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Great American Smokeout
Today is the 35th Observance of the Great American Smokeout. Over the years the numbers of active smokers has reduced by millions of people. Peer pressure, looming health concerns, and the rising expense of a pack of cigarettes has turned many off to the once common habit. If you are considering quitting smoking--plan your work and work your plan. You will need to decide how you would like to quit. Maybe you will be successful going cold turkey, maybe you will opt for Wellbutrin or Nicotine patch support. Maybe you will decide to venture down the holistic method and use Hypnosis, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Reiki or other approaches to quitting. Whatever method or methods you decide to explore--learn as much about the treatment plan, the side effects if any, the level of commitment needed from you, and the cost. All plans can ultimately work--I am partial to Hypnosis and Reiki as they both are gentle, support you as entire being, are highly effective, and can work as a stand alone system or in compliment to other methods. I have found that the average smoker can successfully quit within 3-5 Hypnosis sessions and has lower levels of anxiety, fear, and weight gain. If you would like to explore your options--contact me to schedule a free consultation to discuss your concerns. Soul Centered Health is pleased to offer individual sessions tailored to your particular needs as well as group classes.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Soul Centered Health --Helping Vets with the Gift of Wellness
First allow me to wish the men and women of the US Marine Corps a Happy Birthday! To that end I respectfully salute all who gave some and the some who gave all. Being the widow of a Marine, I am familiar with the struggles and challenges that both the service men and women and their families face. I decided to extend my training in Reiki and Hypnosis as a way to heal my own trauma and to heal. I found that Reiki nourished my body and my mind and allowed the emotional blockages and pain to subside. I began to study the interrelation of the mind and the body and felt this was an area for which I had a passion. I did not understand or trust the validity of these modalities when my husband was suffering, but having lived through the experience and noticing a discernable difference through my own transformation, I have dedicated myself to this work. Reiki is currently being used as a Complimentary Therapy for PTSD, Post Surgical Intervention, Stress Relief and more for both Active Duty and Veterans alike. While many of the challenges facing the wellbeing of our Veterans is multi-pronged and complex--Reiki and other Alternative therapies are showing promise to heal what medicine and current protocols have not. I encourage Veterans and Servicemen to be open to healing the whole of you. Do not see yourself as broken physically or mentally. You are a hero and have made a supreme sacrifice for all of those for whom you serve. Medicine and Therapy can and does help--but if you feel you can benefit from other approaches--be willing to open yourself to the possibility of wellness. Semper Fi!
If you are facing an immediate emotional crisis or are thinking of doing harm to yourself or others--please call 911 or 1-800-273-8255 because you are too precious to lose...
If a loved one is in need of help--do the right thing--take any threat seriously and get help.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Planning Surgery--think Reiki
Patients who go into surgery with a relaxed and positive frame of mind, fare better during recovery than those who do not. That being said, if you have fears, Reiki can help to alleviate the anxiety and stress around your procedure. Reiki can be used directly after surgery and in support of the recovery during your convalescence. Many nursing and healing professionals offer Reiki in Hospitals in outpatient settings. Some do this openly and others offer the healing in conjunction with their normal duties. Patients comment that the Reiki helps them heal faster and to remain focused on balance and overall wellness. If you are scheduled to have surgery--getting your mind and body in the best preoperative state is an excellent way to manage what will no doubt be a somewhat traumatic experience for your body. Plan on having pre-operative Reiki approximately six weeks to a month before surgery to prepare yourself and to take any anxiety about Reiki itself away. You can have it before, during, and after surgery while in the hospital, and weekly thereafter or as needed. Having a supportive team to help you heal is an invaluable way to manage your personal wellness. Having an unseen advantage may well place you several steps ahead in your recovery. Consider the healing energy of Reiki whether elective or major surgery is planned and experience all the benefits of true balance.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Reiki Healing for Pets
Just as humans can enjoy the benefits of the healing energy of Reiki--so do our animal companions. Reiki works on the energy whether it is plant, animal or person--the building blocks of life are essentially the same. Nervous dogs, temperamental cats and even moody birds seem to benefit from treatment. Reiki is especially helpful when the pet is injured or recovering from illness or surgery. Reiki seems to speed their recovery and they seem to enjoy being pampered. I find Reiki to be truly helpful when working with animals as they cannot tell us where they hurt or what is disturbing them. Just as with humans the animal consents to the treatment and I have seen them motion for me to stop or get up and walk away when done. I have seen animals who have had trouble running--chase other animals for the first time in years. I have seen very ill animals respond almost overnight and I have had others seek me out of a crowded dog park or while out on walks with their owners. The owners typically are shocked and tell me that the animal never acts this way or usually does not bother strangers. I smile and I ask if I can meet their pet. I sometimes explain what I do--other times I just offer the energy to the animal. If it helps, its all in a day's work.
If you are interested in Reiki for your animal companion contact me at or get more information at
I do make house calls and will visit your pet at the vet/animal hospital if requested.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Call to action
As the Autumnal Equinox heralds the start of fall, how much have you been able to accomplish this year? Some of us may have wanted to quit a bad habit, or learn a new skill. Others desperately wanted a way to manage their physical or emotional pain. There are those of us who wanted to start a new relationship, determined not to spend the holidays alone. And yet here we are 99 days till the first decade in the new millennium rings to a close. It is time to seize the day. I read long ago that the true definition of insanity is doing what you have always done and yet expecting a different outcome. It takes a strong person to ask for help when lost along their way. But perhaps there are those among us who wouldn't mind an extra detour along their life's journey. Personally, I am all about making changes when something is not working for me. I was not always that way, but I have learned the power in making an affirmative choice. I have learned to channel my decisions into powerful tools to help me creatively and professionally. I pride myself by enriching my brain and exposing myself to new people and opportunities as they arise, knowing that the knowledge I gain in the experience will trump anything I have learned in a book. Indecision leads to inaction and inaction to stagnation. Are there areas in your life which have stalled? Are you still plugging along hoping, and asking for change, but taking none of the steps to empower your goals? There is time, and change can happen in an instant. If you would like to explore positive steps you can take to embrace change, watch for my free teleseminar coming in October. I will list the details here and on my website.
Here is a real chance to make the needed changes in your life...all you need do is make the choice to join in. you can also register by email :
I look forward to a strong finish to the year and to an old way of thinking.
Here is a real chance to make the needed changes in your life...all you need do is make the choice to join in. you can also register by email :
I look forward to a strong finish to the year and to an old way of thinking.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Is thinking believing?
There is a marked difference between thinking you have a solution to a problem and believing there is no problem. Likewise you can be reasonably confident that you have solved a problem, but there may still be hints of doubt remaining. The little doubts that plague us, give rise to insecurity, loss of self esteem and can even end up crippling our best efforts. When people practice using affirmations, there can sometimes be a part of their psyche that just doesn't buy into the new mindset. This internal disagreement can sabotage the whole effort because the pronounced victory over circumstances just doesnt ring true. You can fake it till you make it, but you have to be absolutely assured of your victory. One of the great things about Hypnosis is that by design, the process circumvents the little voices and is able to redirect thoughts and actions. Hypnosis doesn't need you to think about whether or not you can solve the problem, just that a solution is possible. You are opened to the realm of possibility and can therefore come up with any number of unique ways to change your circumstances. Thinking is a component of belief, but belief implies that there is an air of certaintude about our abilities and opportunities. We are not limited in what we think, but we have absolute limits on what we believe. What do you "know" to be true in your own life? What led you to that certainty? Why do you have doubts about your abilities to have a fulfilling relationship, career, or being able to quit smoking? Before you can change your beliefs, you must uncover what you already know. Chances are there are some false truths waiting to be uncovered, freeing you to live the life you truly believe you are meant to live. At Soul Centered Health I encourage clients by asking the hard questions and allowing them the space and freedom to hear the answers. Only then can you unravel the knots tangling your thoughts and enable your progress.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Reiki and Cancer related fatigue
A recent study found that Cancer patients undergoing Reiki treatment as part of their integrated therapy had significant improvement in their levels of fatigue and improved quality of life. To get more information click title above,
Prostate Cancer Patients benefit from Reiki
In a recently published article--Men undergoing External Beam Radiotherapy were said to have reduced anxiety and better overall emotional wellbeing after adding Reiki to their therapy as opposed to those men who did not. Emotional wellbeing is critical in the bodies healing response and stress is a known contributing factor in the development of disease. Click the title to read more information or click here for entire article
Monday, August 23, 2010
Ninety Eight Percent Potential
It is said that the conscious mind is only capable of registering and processing a mere 2% of available resources. That leaves a whopping 98% available to the subconscious mind to utilize. This untapped wealth of information, skills,and sheer mind power is ready to be tapped to open us up to a host of infinite possibilities. Our mind's eye is not limited by a field of visions, but is manned by a field of dreams. What we can imagine we can create. What we think about we become. Hypnosis and other Mind-Body techniques are on the cutting edge of this revolution. By accessing the mind's potential we are at the cusp of a great awakening for ourselves and mankind. The field of neuroimmunology is blossoming and is just beginning to unravel the nature of illness and health. Scientists are assigning a non physical component to why some people fall ill and why others never seem to get sick. People may in fact be able to move mountains with their mind alone--literal and figurative. Who is to say what is possible once we free our minds and enter unto creation...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Study: Quality-Of-Life Cancer Care Works - Health News Story - WCVB Boston
Study: Quality-Of-Life Cancer Care Works - Health News Story - WCVB Boston
Palliative support encompasses a range of options geared to improving the overall life of the patient. Typical services include nutritional, emotional, and physical dimensions of care. Both Reiki and Hypnosis have been scientifically proven to be very effective methods of impacting quality of life and should definitely be considered when facing a serious medical crisis.
Palliative support encompasses a range of options geared to improving the overall life of the patient. Typical services include nutritional, emotional, and physical dimensions of care. Both Reiki and Hypnosis have been scientifically proven to be very effective methods of impacting quality of life and should definitely be considered when facing a serious medical crisis.
Monday, August 16, 2010
No Ifs ands or Butts
The decision to quit smoking can be a major turning point in the life of a smoker. The touted benefits such as improved health, social interaction, sweeter smell and the savings are not to be missed, however these considerations were hardly the factors that will keep the smoker from smoking. Real change has to start within the person--there has to be a fundamental shift in their desire to want to continue the behavior. I have seen individuals smoke 3 packs a day who have quit cold turkey. I have spoken with mothers who stopped successfully while pregnant or nursing without a drop of resistance. I have also seen people continue to smoke while on the nicotine patch and in smoking cessation discussion groups. Caveat; If you want to learn how to stop--chances are the odds of your successfully quitting improve if you are not discussing your cravings with other smokers.(just a suggestion) What separates those who say they want to quit from those who do quit? Willpower! Those who do quit are not "trying to quit" they are determined to quit. Those who do quit are not quitting because their partner wants them to, they are not quitting because they are ostracized at work--They quit because the physical, emotional, social, or actual cost has gotten too high to continue the behavior. They decide for themselves the time has come to stop. That is when Hypnosis is highly effective--it is the meeting of willpower and mind power and the results are nothing short of life changing. When right thinking is applied--individuals are invincible! Hypnosis is the how, not the why, in an individuals quest to become a non-smoker. I cannot convince you of why you should or ought to want to quit--but I can and will help you achieve your goal of successfully quitting once and for all. Hypnosis is scientifically proven to help individuals quit and remain nonsmokers for life. The decision should be yours and yours alone--when you are ready--contact Soul Centered Health for more information.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Hocus Pocus Healthcare
"You can drop 15 pounds in two days using this amazing diet pill."
"You can be pain free forever taking one Yak horn tablet twice a day forever."
"You can have all of your dreams come true for one low price of $99.95 plus shipping and handling."
Sound familiar? Fantastic claims, over zealous announcers, and of course a demoralizing money back guarantee. "If you truly are a loser for whom this product that works for everyone else, doesn't work for you after you have really and truly tried then we would gladly give you your money back--as we no longer want to have anything to do with you."
When it comes to Hypnosis, how do you decide what to believe? Does Hypnosis really work? Here are some facts to consider--
Fact: Hypnosis has been recognized by the American Medical Association since 1958 as a viable and successful adjunct treatment.
"Hypnosis can be used very effectively for pain reduction. It can also be very useful in treating anxiety in people who are anxious. Hypnosis has been shown to be effective in helping people to stop smoking and in controlling overeating." David Spiegel, M.D. Associate Chairman of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University.
Fact: Hypnosis is a fast and effective treatment.
"...we find that for psychoanalysis we can expect a recovery rate of 38% after approximately 600 sessions. For Wolpian therapy, we can expect a recovery rate of 72% after an average of 22 sessions, and for hypnotherapy we can expect a recovery rate of 93% after an average of 6 sessions." Dr Alfred A. Barrios PhD Hypnotherapy a Reappraisal
Fact: Hypnosis is a successful therapy for weight management
In the below study patients were reviewed after a 9 week weight loss program--Some were supported with Hypnosis, some were not. At the end of the sessions--all showed weight loss, however at the 8 month and again at the 2 year follow up--those who had added hypnosis showed significant additional weight loss as compared to those who had not been hypnotized.
Bolocofsky, D. N., Spinler, D. and Coulthard-Morris, L. (1985), Effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41: 35–41. doi: 10.1002/1097-4679(198501)41:1<35::AID-JCLP2270410107>3.0.CO;2-Z
What are the uses for Hypnosis? Well a better question might be what can't Hypnosis be used for. Hypnosis can be used in lieu of anesthesia in surgery, for stress reduction, to heal skin problems, and to conquer a fear of heights. People have successfully quit smoking, recalled facts in criminal cases, and visualized solutions to complex scientific problems all using Hypnosis. If you are interested in more information or to see if Hypnosis may be right for you, contact Soul Centered Health today. 610-680-8476
Thursday, August 5, 2010
What have you got to lose?
Sometimes we encounter real resistance when we are attempting to go in a new and sometimes threatening direction. We find that despite the best treatment, support, motivation, and medicine;we are resistant to change. In these cases it is sometimes beneficial to attack the problem from a loss benefit analysis. Even though the old thought pattern, illness, or behavior has tangible negative impact on our life, there is a reciprocal benefit which may be known only to the presenter. For example a woman who senses her marriage has deteriorated into a union of obligation, may manifest a host of pains and illnesses which require her spouse to be a reluctant caregiver--As long as the illness persists--the relationship maintains its status quo. Another example might be a pseudo illness such as a sensory deficit such as a hearing loss that results after a trauma. In this scenario the affected party may be reluctant to hear any more bad news and while there is no known etiology or cause for the problem, the loss persists.
One way of dealing with these presentations is by using an advanced hypnosis technique known as parts therapy. Under a deep trance, the client confronts the unruly part and cooperation, integration or elimination is the result. Namely the client negotiates a truce with the part, assimilates the part back into the whole of the body, or the offending issue is figuratively dismantled and removed--thereby relieving the client of any residual influence. Parts therapy can be highly effective and should be considered when the client fails to make progress or you have tried every thing available and you cannot progress in your treatment. To learn more about parts therapy, contact Soul Centered Health for more information,
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Disturbance in the Force
Yoda was not so very far off when he sensed a disturbance in "the force." When performing a Reiki session, I am called upon to scan the bodies energy and to take note of where that energy seems to ebb or where it seems to flow. Reiki is a very gentle art and it requires first that the practitioner learn to communicate on a subtle almost imperceptible level with this energy. Then,once able to perceive this energy, the practitioner learns to interact with it and to manipulate it. The practitioner is not the source of this life energy or Chi, they are merely a conduit. The universal life energy is the rough translation of the Reiki character. We in the West don't have an actual translation as we are not that attuned to the manifestation of divine energy in this manner. We, based on our healing and spiritual traditions, have been removed from the healing process and the active pursuit of co-creative spirituality. We are passive in our wellness and expect God to perform miracles irrespective of our thoughts, participation, willingness, or resistance. Submission is a key component of Eastern religions but it should be confused with surrender. By relinquishing control and trusting that your needs will be met, you are the very embodiment of power. Instead of passively accepting whatever fate may befall you, you have the faith that the outcome you desire is the outcome destined to be.
Reiki is not a religion or a form of spiritual dogma. Reiki transcends our concept of a need to control and organize thinking and manifestation. Reiki can heal what ails us--not because it seeks to address the symptoms, but because it goes directly to the source of the core imbalance. May the force be with you...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Hypnotic Gastric Bypass?
In a nation where 2/3 of adults are either overweight or obese, it is time to look at alternatives where weight management is concerned. The ranking of US states commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America's Health shows that the deep South and Appalachia round out the top 10 fattest states. Traditional approaches to weight management backed by pharmacological intervention and diets are failing the nation at life threatening pace. Where can those afflicted by obesity and the ill health effects turn when there are seemingly few viable alternatives? Hypnotherapists are pioneering a new approach to weight loss which is able to produce lasting results in less time, expense, and without any side effects. The so-called Hypnotic Gastric Bypass is showing major promise as a solution. Is is possible to have all of the results of a surgical gastric bypass without the risk, expense, or pain? Hypnotists say absolutely. In one example the British Telegraph is reporting that a British woman has lost~56 pounds in six months using Hypnosis alone. In this case it took about 4 sessions averaging about $375 each to have permanent and lasting results. In this type of Hypnosis the client is led to believe they have had the surgery and they are now left with a stomach the size of a lemon. The surgical version would have cost $10-20,000 or more, with a hefty recovery time and the risk of surgical complications. If you can think it, you can achieve it and through the miracle of Hypnosis, morbidly obese patients who either can't afford or tolerate surgery now have an option that does not require a trip to Great Britain. At Soul Centered Health there are several options for clients seeking to reduce weight or manage food behaviors through hypnosis. There are both individual and group sessions featuring traditional and modern techniques such as the hypnotic bypass. For more information or to schedule a free consultation contact Soul Centered Health at
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Dr.Oz Proclaims Reiki his #1 Alternative Medicine Secret!
To learn more about Reiki or to make an appointment to experience Reiki for yourself--contact Soul Centered Health today.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Drowning in Fear
Its officially Summertime and friends, and families galore are heading to the beach, the lake, or the neighborhood pool. All except for those crippled by Hydrophobia or Aquaphobia. This fear manifests as a real and debilitating fear of open water, swimming, and other water sports. Most of us are afraid of being seen in our swim suits, but for those affected by a fear of water--the summer months are filled with dread of drowning or flood waters which may carry one away. Another fear--that of sand can likewise turn a day at the beach into a terrifying outing. Fears which cripple one's activities to the point where one avoids the frightening subject or experiences a racing heart, rapid breathing or feelings of being overwhelmed are signs of a true phobia. It is estimated that between 8 and 18% of Americans are affected by fear. Phobias are the number one mental disorder of all women and the number two illness affecting men over age 25 according the National Institutes of Health.
Hypnotherapy offers a real solution for those negatively affected by fear. In as little as one or two hypnosis sessions, clients experience a significant reduction in their fear and can completely eliminate the fear after several sessions. Those who are affected by fear are often too embarrassed or ashamed to seek help and often find other ways to cope. They live a carefully orchestrated life by avoiding the fearful situation, opting to limit exposure to life away from the safety of home, or by suffering in silence. Imagine the freedom of being able to swim, enjoy a boat ride, or just gaze at the ocean without worry or fear. Summer time and the living can be a matter of hours you will be able to enjoy your vacation and time by the water. Contact Soul Centered Health to schedule an appointment today.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What is Mind Body Medicine?
Do you have questions about Complimentary Alternative Medicine, are you interested in what "real" doctors are saying about mastering the synergy of mind and body for health? Click the link above to read what Harvard's Mind Body Institute has to say.
Contact Soul Centered Health to get more information, to make a referral, or to schedule an appointment.
Contact Soul Centered Health to get more information, to make a referral, or to schedule an appointment.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Mirror
It is amazing that we are often confronted with our own issues presented in the guise of other people seeking a solution to their own problems. The advice we give is all too often that which we are hesitant to take ourselves. Perhaps there is more to the lesson than this simplistic overview, but I have have noticed myself gleaning personal tidbits of truth from consultations I provide. Sometimes the truth of their situation is so recognizable that I am taken aback and have no choice but to see my own life's reflection. Other times there is a pearl of wisdom hidden among the thicket of their dilemma that I must carefully uncover, both for their benefit and my own. I usually think it is an issue that I have resolved once and for all and have grown through. The reality can be startling when an old issue resurfaces for the sole purpose of measuring growth and resolution. When we have residual issues that need to be worked on or through--until we address the problem, we will continue to experience the issue vicariously, or directly until we are ready to do the work. For instance the people we attract into our lives will bring baggage directly tied to our issues we tried to bury that was unresolved from our childhood. Our partner may bear little actual resemblance to our parents however there may be issues which will bind us to our past.
When coaching a physical concern, I try to distance myself from any causal trauma--not wanting to even give safe harbor to any of my own hurts and disappointments. What we think about we become. Becoming the master of one's own thoughts is paramount to any discussion of success, or well being. One would have to be naive to think that perfection exists only in the absence of negativity, on the contrary is exists despite negativity. It is the eternal crux of polarities in the universe--Positive vs negative, good vs evil etc. You can have no great epiphany or healing without the requisite growth and sacrifice towards that end. Likewise the healer need not be an ascended master to assist others--on the contrary--they are better when they continue on the path of ascension and knowledge. Assuming you have all of the answers is a sure invitation for the creative intelligence that rules the universe to direct a few lessons in your direction. The more we resist these lessons, the harder our ultimate lesson. Only by recognizing the inherent seed of truth in all experiences are we freed from resistance to the lesson which by its nature is neither good nor bad--only we can determine how we will react to situations as they arise.
So no matter what has blown your way today, the lesson is to give in to the experience not to resist or invalidate its aim. If it has arrived in your consciousness, I guarantee there is merit and purpose for you as an individual. Some lessons are quick, others are protracted and involved. Either can cause you to leap frog exponentially over roadblocks and experiences--the choice is up to you. Resistance to what is--is ultimately futile and stagnates our spiritual growth. Know that you are an eternal student seeking the keys to a fulfilling and healthy life. Be open to the twists and turns along your life's path and know that your journey will only be enhanced by these subtle and not so subtle lessons along the way. Listen to your own truth, especially that which is doled out to others and be willing to hear that which is being said and to see that which is clearly reflected in the mirror of life.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Is Reiki right for Me?
How do you know if Reiki is right for you? Well Reiki is easily accessible and can be used for a variety of concerns be they physical, mental, or metaphysical. Reiki is a form of energy medicine and as such focuses on the energy system of the body. In Asian medical practices, the life force known as Chi, Ki, or Prana courses through the body channelled by a virtual grid, managed at various points by Chakras. Reiki interacts with this unseen energy and the practitioner cleanses and balances these points. One of the most profound experiences that clients perceive is a sense of calm and well being during a Reiki session. Reiki can be channeled by anyone who has recieved an attunement from a Reiki Master. The teachings have been disseminated by the followers of Dr. Usui since the 19th Century in Japan. Reiki is currently being used in Hospitals, Cancer centers, Hospices and other health and wellness practices. Slowly but surely more quantifiable documentation is being provided to support the claims of clients and practitioners. Researchers have been able to document that patients use less pain and anxiety medications after Reiki treatments and have documented faster recovery times than control groups. Reiki is safe for infants and Seniors and can even be used on animal companions. Reiki has been profiled on National TV by Dr. Oz, whose wife is a Reiki Master, as well as other top shows. Reiki practitioners should be professional, knowledgeable and ethical in their practices. If they are unwilling to use their real name, be wary. Are they promising you a cure? No reputable professional can do that--no matter how confidant. Practitioners can have a home office, travel to see you, or have an established practice in an office setting. You can chose the type of practice best suited to you and your needs but make sure you feel safe, comfortable, and in control. A Reiki practitioner should never advise you to stop any medical or psychological treatments but should be willing to work with your medical team to assist you in overall health and wellness. You may find that you need less medication, or can wean yourself from insulin or high blood pressure medication after Reiki, but this should be a decision made by you and your physician. When they ask what's changed--let them know that you are using Reiki and educate the doctor about your successes.
Reiki is a key modality practiced at Soul Centered Health and I would be happy to answer your questions pertaining to Reiki and treatment options. For more information visit
Be well...
Friday, May 14, 2010
Mental Health Awareness
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it is a fitting time to discuss alternative approaches to care. An estimated 1 in 4 Americans over 18, are affected by a mental illness each year. That is staggering when you realize that is over 57 Million people each year. There is a huge toll when it comes to lost productivity, loss of relationships, and even the loss of life as a result of aberrant thinking. While not a mental health professional, I do firmly believe that complimentary care has a justified place in the treatment of mental illness. Mental illness can be characterized by anxiety and mood disorders, bio-chemical disorders of the brain, pathology of the brain, as well as behavioral disturbances. Some conditions result from Trauma either physical or psychological as in the case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Others have genetic components, while others are organic and arise from toxic substances and situations.
Reiki is an excellent modality for stress reduction and has been shown to decrease anxiety, pain, and fears associated with various conditions and illnesses. There are studies which support the use of Reiki in just these sorts of imbalances and Reiki practitioners who are at least a Level 2 are well qualified to address these issues.
Very few techniques are as effective for behavior modification and mental relaxation as Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy goes to the source of manifestation and provides the client with substantive relief. Hypnosis need not grapple with the underlying disease or root cause to be effective, as the target is eliminating the behavior or the resulting disturbance in the person's life. It can be used with other types of care including psychotherapy, medicine, and other changes such as diet and other healing techniques. That being said, those on heavy duty psychotropic medications, or who have unstable conditions will not make good candidates for this type of treatment. Hypnosis subjects should be of at least average intelligence, not intoxicated, and able to focus and follow directions. If the client is able to achieve these conditions, then and only then should Hypnosis be considered an option.
Mental illness still carries a stigma in our society which is unfortunate for those who can and would benefit from care. People are told by their loved ones and friends that they shouldn't take their medications, that they shouldn't let people mess with their heads, and that there is nothing wrong with them. Imagine someone telling cancer patients not to see their doctor or any type of practitioner and to forget about their tumor because there was "really nothing wrong" with them! Coming out and admitting there is a problem is the only true way to be helped. I remember when I was traumatized by a personal event and could not close my eyes without reliving the crisis. I had thought I was having a heart attack and went on to have a perfect echo cardiogram to prove that it was not in my chest but in my head. I laugh when I think of how embarrassed I was, or how much I wanted to deny there was a problem. It took courage to seek care, but looking back my life has been enriched in innumerable ways, by taking that first step.
While not a cure-all for every type of condition, Hypnosis and Reiki can help support those experiencing Mental disorders. A reputable practitioner should look to evaluate your case to see if it is within their expertise to handle and if not should refer you to another type of provider for care. Some conditions are far more severe and require stabilization prior to supportive care. As a practitioner it would be unethical for me to overreach my capabilities or credentials by attempting to treat these cases. That being said if you or a loved one are being treated and are interested, have a frank discussion about adding a natural component to your care. Peace of mind is a priceless commodity which every body deserves. For more information on resources or
services, please visit my website at
Reiki is an excellent modality for stress reduction and has been shown to decrease anxiety, pain, and fears associated with various conditions and illnesses. There are studies which support the use of Reiki in just these sorts of imbalances and Reiki practitioners who are at least a Level 2 are well qualified to address these issues.
Very few techniques are as effective for behavior modification and mental relaxation as Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy goes to the source of manifestation and provides the client with substantive relief. Hypnosis need not grapple with the underlying disease or root cause to be effective, as the target is eliminating the behavior or the resulting disturbance in the person's life. It can be used with other types of care including psychotherapy, medicine, and other changes such as diet and other healing techniques. That being said, those on heavy duty psychotropic medications, or who have unstable conditions will not make good candidates for this type of treatment. Hypnosis subjects should be of at least average intelligence, not intoxicated, and able to focus and follow directions. If the client is able to achieve these conditions, then and only then should Hypnosis be considered an option.
Mental illness still carries a stigma in our society which is unfortunate for those who can and would benefit from care. People are told by their loved ones and friends that they shouldn't take their medications, that they shouldn't let people mess with their heads, and that there is nothing wrong with them. Imagine someone telling cancer patients not to see their doctor or any type of practitioner and to forget about their tumor because there was "really nothing wrong" with them! Coming out and admitting there is a problem is the only true way to be helped. I remember when I was traumatized by a personal event and could not close my eyes without reliving the crisis. I had thought I was having a heart attack and went on to have a perfect echo cardiogram to prove that it was not in my chest but in my head. I laugh when I think of how embarrassed I was, or how much I wanted to deny there was a problem. It took courage to seek care, but looking back my life has been enriched in innumerable ways, by taking that first step.
While not a cure-all for every type of condition, Hypnosis and Reiki can help support those experiencing Mental disorders. A reputable practitioner should look to evaluate your case to see if it is within their expertise to handle and if not should refer you to another type of provider for care. Some conditions are far more severe and require stabilization prior to supportive care. As a practitioner it would be unethical for me to overreach my capabilities or credentials by attempting to treat these cases. That being said if you or a loved one are being treated and are interested, have a frank discussion about adding a natural component to your care. Peace of mind is a priceless commodity which every body deserves. For more information on resources or
services, please visit my website at
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Why Tiger Needs Hypnosis
You would have to live under a very large rock not to have read or seen the chaos that has been swirling around Golf Phenom--Tiger Woods. In the midst of very public personal problems he is battling tooth and nail for his career. I personally have watched as a very young and innocent Tiger joked with Late Night great Johnny Carson as his father groomed him to become one of the world's greatest golfers and arguably one of its greatest athletes. To whit, no one is immune to personal problems or bad patches in our professional lives. Being able to successfully navigate these personal life transitions is what I believe success is all about. Any one can get lucky, but what do they do when they are challenged and need a new plan? In my opinion,Tiger would benefit greatly by relying on Hypnosis to help him reprogram the thought patterns and self doubt which have begun to plague him. While he is rumored to have used hypnosis to improve his golf game--he would be missing out on real benefits if he failed to use it now.
Hypnosis is excellent for hiccups in life. By hiccups I means those times in life when something that was working, is no longer producing desired results. A skilled hypnotist will be able to get inside his head to eliminate the chatter and the clutter that is impeding his prowess. He, unlike most of us, has experienced the wrath of so many regarding issues that are no one else's business. It would be understandable if this public censure has begun to taken its toll on his confidence, his self esteem, and his game. Sports Hypnosis is simplistic in that it is not a panacea for all that ails the athlete, but enables him or her to regain the focus and confidence to excel at their sport. Often the result of an accident, injury, or trauma--these inner confidence eroders eke away at their innate ability to hit their mark, and to visualize their successes.
Hypnosis has been proven to help clients heal faster from injury and to regain peak performance more readily. It is also useful at enabling the client to avoid injuries and over strain to begin with. The mind can visualize perfection as the client sees it, the hypnotist merely enhances the ability to concentrate that effort. Another benefit is the speed at which Hypnosis is able to rectify performance issues. Most of these issues can be resolved in 3-6 sessions. Hypnosis is not only available to elite athletes but can and should be used by those seeking a mental advantage to their game. Whether envisioning a perfect game or crafting the perfect body, the vision you hold in your minds eye--is the vision which becomes your reality.
Hopefully Tiger can weather the storm which is currently engulfing his life, and he will add Hypnosis to his performance enhancing tool box.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Grand Opening Phoenixville
New Office space in Phoenixville!! Soul Centered Health will be accepting clients at Franklin Commons --400 Franklin Av--19460
Monday, April 26, 2010
Register for Free Seminar on Healing the Spirit
In observance of Memorial Day--Join us for a free seminar on Healing the Spirit --living after a loved one dies....In this workshop--learn to recognize the stages of grief, learn tools to help you heal, and how to know when you may need additional support. An inspiring evening sure to help those in need....
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Mesothelioma and Reiki
Reiki is being used by more and more people seeking answers and help for their conditions. In this article--Reiki is used to treat those affected by Mesothelioma, a cancer which affects the lining of the chest and/or abdomen. Read more about this therapy in the link....
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Power of Reiki
Last night's seminar was awesome! If you missed it--you missed a live version of the authentic healing power of Reiki. I am always amazed and a little surprised at what transpires during a session. I don't know if the energy will manifest into an emotional, physical or spiritual need. I trust that it will go where the greatest need is and work its healing there. After demonstrating how I scan the client for imbalances and giving a read of what I could feel, I proceeded to let the Reiki take over. After two pretty powerful treatments I was asked "how do you know that what you are feeling is accurate? To me this is a fundamental question. I answered the best way I could and that is that I simply trust what I am feeling and what I sense. For many this could be too far out there--too metaphysical for them to wrap logic around and I respect that. However the proof is in the pudding, and what I conveyed to the volunteers was accurate. I described their physical and emotional needs at the time. As a matter of semantics, Reiki is not a religious practice, it is a healing modality. So for some--the disconnect lies in my ability to perceive what is not visible to the naked eye and in my ability to know what I could not possibly know. I accept this knowledge as par for the course. Of course I know where the client's energy is flowing differently, of course I know where the pain is manifesting and how, of course I can work to rechannel the flow of energy--I believe in what I am doing. I do not need to understand the mechanics or physics of electricity to trust that when I power up my computer it will spring to life. The manifestation of healing requires faith. My belief is that I was rightly taught for the highest good. My job is to be a perfect channel for the healing energy and to resist the urge to control or direct an ego based outcome. Within this purview there is no place for doubt, insecurity, or second guessing. You must just flow with the Reiki...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Join Us for a Free Seminar--Feeling Great Inside and Out
Feeling Great Inside and Out
Join me and others for a free seminar on the benefits of Reiki. This ancient technique can help you maintain/reestablish balance in the body and mind--setting the stage for improved well being.
The seminar is being held 3/29/2010 7-8 pm at the Phoenixville Area Public Library 187 Second Avenue 19460 and you must register to attend--please call 610-933-3013 x32
for more info:
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Seat of Creativity
The sacral chakra is the seat of creativity. The body is composed of seven major energy centers known as the chakras and each governs certain types of energy and manifestations of that energy. If you are feeling a creative block or find yourself stuck--the sacral chakra could be the source of the blockage. The energy flows from the crown chakra down through the seven chakras, namely the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. According to Vedic traditions, the energy centers control the ebb and flow of the very life force known as Chi, Ki, or Prana. Typically illness in that area of a blockage is an indication of what is broken or blocked. Illnesses that can take hold related to the sacral chakra are bladder problems, reproductive or sexual problems, colon/intestinal problems as well as infertility etc. The ability to bring forth life is a true manifestation of the creative process and one tends to find parallels between different aspects of life related to the same issue. For example a man who is feeling stuck in his career who is lacking a creative outlet, may also experience prostate problems, incontinence, and sexual performance issues. The emotional aspects impact the career and feelings of satisfaction with ones contributions, while the physical hints show that the blockage has progressed to the physical realm.
Reiki, QiGong, and other forms of Energy Medicine, work to balance the chakras and reestablish energy flow. Acupressure, Acupuncture, EFT and other techniques can also be beneficial in correcting the problem. As I am a Reiki Master, it is the technique with which I am most familiar and as a Master Practitioner, it is easy for me to determine where I feel an imbalance and what to do to reestablish energy flow. Sometimes the client can actually feel heat or tingling when I am conducting a treatment. I have sometimes felt real heat from other practitioners and other times nothing at all. It does not mean that the treatment was not successful. Reiki goes where the need is greatest. So if the true source of the imbalance is a childhood emotional trauma--Reiki energy will work on an emotional and spiritual level to re balance the affected individual. Physical perfection and wellness is not possible in the midst of turmoil and "dis" "ease". Creativity is often the first area where true imbalance becomes evident. If you find that your creative energies are compromised--this may lead you to seek out correction and thereby redirect your life course. Removing blocks to creativity, open you to manifestation and abundance. Opening yourself allows you to harvest bounty and to directly experience the fullness and joy of living. Learn to listen to your heart, your mind and your body--there is always communication whether it is a still voice or a thunderous boom.
Be open to the answers, the solutions, and the direction in which you are being led.
Be Well.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Boogeyman and Hypnosis
What do the Boogeyman and Hypnosis have in common? At first glance they are both the recipient of bad press. Mr. Oogey Boogey, is a recluse who is probably affected by some form of sun allergy which precludes his ability to be seen in the daytime. Hypnosis remains dogged by a belief that it is somehow harmful, otherworldly, and potentially detrimental. If either of these negative beliefs takes root in your psyche, you are rendered incapable of a good night's sleep and unable to avail yourself of all of the tools in our mind body arsenal to change our lives. Hypnosis, contrary to popular belief is a naturally occurring state. We go in and out of hypnosis throughout our daily activities. We use focused concentration to achieve our goals in many aspects of our lives, from landing Mr. or Ms. Right, to buying a new outfit, to beating an opponent in a friendly game of tennis. We focus, we foresee, and we accomplish. Veni, Vidi, Vici--we came we saw we conquered. Hypnosis as a technique can be traced back to before the birth of Christ. We can use hypnosis to cure ailments, replace anesthesia, and to control pain. We can master our own shortcomings by rewriting the scripts we play over and over in our own minds. When these messages are negative, or flawed, they result in aberrant behavior and we are often unaware and confused by our behavior. More importantly, we are reticent to fix the problem fearing mind control, faulty rewiring, or somehow losing who we innately are through the hypnotic process.
Like the myth of the Boogeyman, these myths persist pertaining to the efficacy of Hypnosis. There are many empirical studies citing the multiple benefits and uses for hypnosis. In fact the American Medical Association first recognized the benefits of Hypnosis in 1956, and in Great Britain several years earlier. Hypnosis is pain free, effective, and readily accessible. I have seen it change life long problems in a matter of hours. Some of the greatest people in our present and history have used Hypnosis such as Mozart, Freud, Jung, Henry Ford, Jacqueline K. Onassis, Shaquil O'Neal, and even Tiger Woods ( who is the greatest golfer of our time!) Whether to improve creativity, conquer bad habits, recover from trauma, or improve sports performance--Hypnosis has worked for each and every one of them. Each client has to weigh the pros and cons and to weed through the myths and untruths that persist about Hypnosis. Today Hypnotists or Hypnotherapists are skilled professionals who have to undertake a rigorous education and certification process. They assist the public with issues and problems people are either too embarrassed about, or too frustrated with traditional treatments to seek additional help. Many are at their wits end and find that Hypnosis is a viable treatment option. As with any therapy ask questions of your hypnotist. Ask for recommendations, treatment styles and questions about what it feels like. Investigate research studies and make an informed decision. Oh and by the way, Hypnosis can even help with that boogeyman problem, when you are ready of course...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Ode to Emile
Emile Coue a prominent French Physician in the 19th Century discovered that if he praised a medication or treatment, his patients were more likely to be healed or have a better recovery. This power of suggestion went on the form the basis of his practice and enabled him to become one of the progenitors of the era of Mind Body Medicine. If patients believed that they would get better--in the vast majority of cases they did. Coue's famous mantra was "Tous les jours, a tous points de vue, je vais de mieux en mieux~"Every day in every way I am getting better and better." The Coue Method, as it came to be known was practiced as a form of self-hypnosis and patients were able to see a remarkable improvement in health, attitude, and optimism. It stands to reason if you think you will have a bad day, you do and if you think it will be a great day, it will--it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Being able to remain positive even in the midst of serious illness or personal crisis will no doubt enable you to survive under the harshest of conditions and predictions. Remind yourself no matter where you are now or what has happened thus far to HAVE A GREAT AND AWESOME DAY!!
Be well...
Be well...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Have a Heart--February is Heart Health Month
Ah the beating of one's can calm a nervous infant, and bond lovers in a warm embrace. More importantly it is the body's engine--without which no blood, oxygen or waste is moved throughout the body. Your heart begins to beat in utero and continues throughout the rest of your life. Anything in constant use--wears out faster the harder you use it. In addition to eating healthy Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Anti-oxidants, and a diet low in saturated fats, reducing the stress in the body is an excellent way to promote heart health. Cardio-vascular fitness can be improved by exercising, however losing weight and reducing stress--seem to work in concert. Hypnosis can help motivate you to exercise, enable you to maintain a healthier diet to lose weight, and helps relax the body and mind; enabling you to take the load off your heart and allowing it to work more efficiently not harder. Hypnosis has been proven to lower blood pressure and to help people under stress gain immediate control and improvement. Another key risk factor in developing heart disease is smoking. Hypnosis can cure a smoking addiction in as little as a couple of hours. Imagine being on your way to reversing heart disease, feeling great and empowered with no drugs, strenuous activity, and in a private and calming atmosphere...consider giving your heart the gift of hypnosis.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The power to heal
Back in 1986 a gentle unassuming Surgeon put his ideas, observations, and beliefs to paper resulting in the consummately popular " Love, Medicine, and Miracles" In this amazing work, Dr. Bernie Siegel, or Dr Bernie, as he prefers to be called, recounts his experiences with extraordinary patients and their quest for wellness. What he found was that a belief in healing and the mind's ability to focus on that love--most importantly self love is key to survival. Unconditional love is the most powerful force in the universe and herein a man of science expresses his humility and awe in the face of such love. I highly recommend this book to those seeking healing, those facing crises and those on the healing path. It is a gem worthy of a second look and can heal that which haunts your spirit in the time of illness. It is an empowering work that helps people find strength to reclaim their health and healing power.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Leading the Horse
The old adage goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. That being said--I can give all the tools for wellness and positivity, but I can't make you act on them. The best hypnotist in the world cannot make someone do what they do not want to do. All of those characters in stage shows clucking like chickens and pretending to be washing machines and robots --perform because at some level they want to entertain the audience. They have not relinquished control to the hypnotist--they are still in control. When our cravings and bad habits are raging--it is because at some level they serve a purpose in our lives. Cigarettes calm the smoker, food serves to satiate those hungry for love and acceptance. That which we have adopted -is there for a reason--but those reasons can and often do change. When we no longer need to perpetuate a behavior or habit, we are free to discard it. Often willingness is not enough to overcome entrenched habits and we need help uncovering our motivations and eliminating the internal message continuing the behavior. If you do not acknowledge your own power, you are powerless to overcome your own undoing. It is common that people contact me to "fix them" to "make them change" To take control and solve the problem. The first step to change is deciding it is possible--it is taking a step in a brand new direction in uncharted territory. It is a bold step to seek change, but one that is richly rewarded when true change occurs. Life can change in an instant but nothing changes inside you, without permission. You must accept the call and honor the work to come. It will not always be easy, but it can be as easy as saying YES!
Be well...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Hypnosis and Beauty
Can hypnosis make you more beautiful? Absolutely, on the inside and out. Quite simply hypnosis teaches you how to relax and manifest the dreams you hold within. If you relax your facial muscles--tiny lines and wrinkles soften. If you have a twinkle in your eye because you are happier and more hopeful--people will be more attracted to you. Hypnosis does not offer the kinds of results that plastic surgery will, but I have heard of people erasing years off their faces, losing weight, growing longer nails, standing taller, increasing their bustline, increasing manhood , as well as enhancing hair and skin. All of this and more is possible with hypnosis. At Soul Centered Health I teach you how to access and accentuate your inner and outer beauty. You also learn various self hypnosis techniques to enable you to continue to focus and fine tune a beauty regimen just for you. If you need a new you--consider the healing and beautifying properties of hypnosis!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Resolution Theory
It is now midway through January and how are your resolutions holding up? If you are still finding success and inspiration--congratulations! If not, Hypnosis may hold the keys to your success. Hypnosis is a mind body healing technique passed down from antiquity. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness in which a client is receptive to suggestions given to their receptive subconscious mind. Translated--while in a hypnotic state--you are given powerful messages which enable you to make changes. Why hypnosis? Because it works. It is effective, pain-free and readily accessible. Hypnosis is useful in creating change because in order to work--you have to want to change. There is no hocus pocus or mind control involved. You get out of your own way to allow yourself to take direction in order to change. The hypnotist cannot make you do anything against your own will. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis, you will not divulge your deepest secrets. It cannot harm you. Hypnosis can be effective from the first session, but usually require 3 or more sessions and that is because you are being taught self hypnosis in order to remain self sufficient. You are always in control and you directly impact the outcome. In my experience you can experience an immediate reduction in stress, an increase in focus and a sense of optimism and hope that very few other modalities if any can achieve.
Resolve today to be more in control of your present and your future. Become self aware and change your path.
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